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Preliminary Programme

Day 1 – Wednesday, 4 June, 2025 


11.00 –   Registration


14.00–14.30 Opening speech to the ‘Child Space’ conference’



Session 1 — Rise of Children



14.30–15.00 Rebecca Gowland: Small Beginnings: Theoretical and Methodological Advances in the Bioarchaeological Analysis of Infants in the Past


15.00–15.30  Katharina Rebay-Salisbury: The Archaeology of Childhood: past, present and future


15.30–16.00 Coffee break


16.00–16.30 Eileen Murphy: Emotional Responses to Child Loss in Medieval Ireland: Evidence from Multi-Proxy Approaches


16.30–17.00 Barbara Hausmair: Death at the beginning of life: Historical responses to pre- and perinatal death and what we can learn from them for today 


17.00–17.30 Alexandra Anders: Reflections: Studies on Prehistoric Childhood


17.30–18.00 Orsolya Mateovics-László: Biological signals of „set-backs” in past societies - detection of biosocial crisis by skeletal signs of early life stress in Medieval rural populations from Hungary


18.00 Welcome Reception &  Exhibition Opening 



Day 2  – Thursday, 5 June, 2025 


9.00– Registration



Session 2 — Children in Society



9.30–9.50 Claudio Cavazzuti: Infant burials in Bronze Age Italy and their significance for the reconstruction of rituals, social stratification and demographic cycles


9.50–10.10 Michaela Kosová et al.: Born Privileged? Children from the Early Bronze Age Cemeteries in Kolín and Mikulovice (Bohemia)


10.10–10.30 Michal Ernée et al.: Children of the Early Bronze Age Community in Mikulovice, East Bohemia


10.30–10.50 Eszter Melis et al.: Children on the edge: the youngest members in the Early and Middle Bronze Age communities of Western Hungary


10.50–11.20 Coffee break 


11.20–11.40 Zsófia Rácz: Children of the Avars: Insights into social organization from fully sampled 6th-9th century cemeteries in the Tisza region


11.40–12.00  Doris Pany-Kucera: Relations and demography of children in Austrian Avar period sites: new research avenues


12.00–12.20 Tamás Szeniczey: A paleodemographic approach to childhood survivorship in the Avar Period: Insights from the subadult burials of Kölked-Feketekapu


12.20–12.40  Balázs Gyuris et al.: Unveiling childhood through bioarchaeology in the Avar-Period Carpathian Basin: kinship, mobility, and social insights 


12.40–13.00 István Koncz: Experiencing childhood in 6th century CE - the good, the bad and the interesting


13.00–13.30 Discussion after the session


13.30–14.30 Fingerfood lunch​



Session 3 — Feeding with love



14.30–14.50 Daria Ložnjak Dizdar: Caring for children in protohistory in the Southern Carpathian Basin


14.50–15.10 Mario Novak: Growing up in the provinces: Reconstruction of child health and diet on the outskirts of the Roman Empire


15.10–15.30  Zrinka Premužić et al.: Childhood on the beach: Subadult burials from the cemetery of the Dominican monastery in Bol, Croatia


15.30–15.50 Željka Bedić: Reconstructing the subadult dietary habits and health in the Late Medieval and Early Modern continental Croatia – State of research and future plans


15.50–16.20 Coffee break


16.20–16.40 EnikÅ‘ Somogyvári-Lajtár et al.: Being a child in the Neolithic — Stable isotope dietary reconstructions from two Neolithic sites in Northeastern Hungary 


16.40–17.00 Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Dragana Vulović: The appearance of infantile and child scurvy in the Bishopric of Syrmia: the 17th-18th century Necropolis at the Site of Palanka in Sremska Mitrovica


17.00–17.20 Paul Klostermann et al: Bioarchaeological approaches to adolescence in early medieval Central Europe


17.20–17.40 Discussion after the session


17.20–17.40 Poster presentations


19.30 Conference Dinner


Day 3 – Friday, 6 June, 2025


9.00– Registration



Session 4 — Child in Space and Time



9.30–9.50 Ana Mercedes Herrero-Corral: Children in Copper Age Iberia: Gender, Kinship, and Social Identity in Funerary Practices


9.50–10.10 Klaudia Daňová: Different ways of children's burial in the Nitra culture (Early Bronze Age) 


10.10–10.30 Kristóf Fülöp, László Gucsi: Children Behind the Objects: Interdisciplinary Examination of Bronze Age Ceramic Objects


10.30–10.50 Ciprian CreÈ›u: (Bio)archaeology of Children at the Edge of the Roman Empire.A View from Late Antique Scythia (Southeastern Romania)


10.50–11.20 Coffee break


11.20–11.40 Sofija Stefanović: Being a Child in European Prehistory


11.40–12.00 Alessia Nava: Investigating childhood and the mother-infant nexus in past human populations through dental mineralized tissues


12.00–12.20 Mateusz Jaeger et al.: Being a Child in the Early Bronze Age Community at Nižná MyšÄ¾a: Pilot Results


12.20–12.40 Ildikó Pap, Anita Csukovits and Ildikó Szikossy: Do “Sleeping” Children Talk? – Mummies of Vác, Hungary


12.40–13.00 Overall discussion, led by session keynote speakers (one of each session)


13.00 Organisers: Little Souls — Deep Grief — Closing thoughts


End of Conference

The book of abstracts will be available here soon.

For the participants in presence a printed copy will be available.

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